Other UI Optimization Techniques and Tips


Other UI Optimization Techniques and Tips

版本检查: 2017.3
难度: 高级

Sometimes there is just no clean way to optimize a UI. This section contains a handful of suggestions that may help improve UI performance, but some are “unclean” structurally, may be difficult to maintain, or may have ugly side effects. Others may be workarounds for behavior in the UI intended to simplify initial development, but also make it relatively simple to create performance problems.

RectTransform-based Layouts

Layout components are relatively expensive, as they must recompute the sizes and positions of their child elements each time they are marked dirty. (See the Graphic rebuild section of the Fundamentals chapter for details.) If there is a relatively small and fixed number of elements within a given Layout, and the Layout has a relatively simple structure, it may be possible to replace the Layout with a RectTransform-based layout.
布局组件相对来说比较昂贵,因为它们必须在每次标记为dirty时重新计算它们的子元素的大小和位置。(详情请参阅Fundamentals章节的Graphic rebuild部分。)如果给定布局中有相对较小且固定数量的元素,并且布局有一个相对简单的结构,那么可以使用RectTransform的布局来替换布局。

By assigning the anchors of a RectTransform, the RectTransform’s position and size can be made to scale based on its parent. For example, a simple two-column layout can be achieved with two RectTransforms:

      ●  The left column’s anchors should be X: (0, 0.5) and Y: (0, 1)

      ●  The right column’s anchors should be X: (0.5, 1) and Y: (0, 1)

The computations of the size and position of the RectTransform will be driven in native code by the Transform system itself. This is generally more performant than relying on the Layout system. It is also possible to write MonoBehaviours that set up a RectTransform-based Layout. However, this is a relatively complex task and lies beyond the scope of this guide.

Disabling Canvases

When showing or hiding discrete portions of a UI, it is common to enable or disable the GameObject at the root of the UI. This ensures that no component in the disabled UI receives input or Unity callbacks.

However, this also causes the Canvas to discard its VBO data. Re-enabling the Canvas will require the Canvas (and any Sub-canvases) to run the rebuild and rebatch processes. If this happens frequently, the increased CPU usage can cause the application’s frame rate to stutter.

One possible, but hacky, workaround is to place the UI to be shown/hidden onto its own Canvas or Sub-canvas and then to merely enable/disable the Canvas component on this object.

This will cause the UI’s meshes to not be drawn, but they will remain resident in memory and their original batching will be preserved. Further, no OnEnable or OnDisable callbacks will be invoked in the UI’s hierarchy.

Note, however, that this will not disable any MonoBehaviours within the hidden UI, and so these MonoBehaviours will still receive Unity lifecycle callbacks, such as Update.

To avoid this issue, MonoBehaviours on UIs that will be disabled in this manner should not directly implement Unity’s lifecycle callbacks, but should instead receive their callbacks from a “Callback Manager” MonoBehaviour on the UI’s root GameObject. This “Callback Manager” can be informed whenever the UI is shown/hidden, and can ensure that lifecycle events are propagated or not propagated as necessary. Further explanation of this “Callback Manager” pattern is beyond the scope of this guide.

Assigning Event Cameras

If using Unity’s built-in Input Managers alongside Canvases set to render in the World Space or Screen Space – Camera modes, it is important to always set the Event Camera or Render Camera property, respectively. From script, this is always exposed as the worldCamera property.
如果将Unity的内置输入管理器与Canvases一起设置为在World Space或Screen Space - Camera模式下渲染,则始终分别设置Event Camera或Render Camera属性非常重要。从脚本开始,它始终显示为worldCamera属性。

If this property is not set, then Unity UI will search for the main camera by looking for Camera components attached to GameObjects with the Main Camera tag. This lookup will occur at least once per World Space or Camera Space Canvas. As GameObject.FindWithTag is known to be slow, it is strongly recommended that all World Space and Camera Space Canvases have their Camera properties assigned at design-time or initialization time.
如果没有设置此属性,则Unity UI将通过查找使用Main Camera标记附加到GameObjects的Camera组件来搜索主摄像机。每个World Space或Camera Space Canvas至少会发生一次此查找。由于已知GameObject.FindWithTag较慢,因此强烈建议所有World Space和Camera Space画布在设计时或初始化时分配其Camera属性。

This issue does not occur for Overlay Canvases.
Overlay Canvases不会出现此问题。

UI Source Code Customization

The UI system has been designed to support a large number of use cases. This flexibility is great, but it also means that some optimizations can’t easily be done without breaking other features. If you end up in a situation where you could gain some CPU cycles by changing the C# UI source code, it is possible to recompile the UI DLL and overwrite the one shipped with Unity. This procedure is documented in the readme file in the Bitbucket repository. Make sure to get the source code corresponding to your Unity version.
UI系统被设计用来支持大量的用例。这种灵活性很好,但也意味着一些优化在不破坏其他特性的情况下是不容易完成的。如果你在这样的情况下,通过更改C#UI源代码可以获得一些CPU周期,那么就可以重新编译UI DLL,并覆盖Unity附带的DLL。此过程记录在Bitbucket存储库的自述文件中。确保获得与Unity版本对应的源代码。

The UI system has been designed to support a large number of use cases. This flexibility is great, but it also means that some optimizations can’t easily be done without breaking other features. If you end up in a situation where you could gain some CPU cycles by changing the C# UI source code, it is possible to recompile the UI DLL and overwrite the one shipped with Unity. This procedure is documented in the readme file in the Bitbucket repository. Make sure to get the source code corresponding to your Unity version.


  1. 原文地址: https://unity3d.com/cn/learn/tutorials/topics/best-practices/other-ui-optimization-techniques-and-tips